$150 / person
A follow-up to our Rough Water Skills and Tidal Currents class. Bigger water, faster flows and different water features define this experience within Canoe Pass (Deception Pass) as we work to grow our toolkit of maneuvers, stability and edge management in a big water environment. Students will have ample opportunity for practice and coaching as we experience crossing dynamic eddies, linking movements, setting ferry angles and the skill of paddling in confusing water with an advancing skill set. This is a class where participants should have some experience previously paddling within a tidal stream. As part of this course we will discuss as well current forecasting.
A sampling of the course content includes:
- Planning for currents: 50/90 rule and forecasting
- How to navigate in current
- Surfing in standing waves
- High brace turns
- Peeling out of the eddyline and into an eddy
- Peel-outs using a bow rudder
- Reading water and judgement and decision making